Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Paul Allen reveals Microsoft's strategy in his memoir

Co-founder of Microsoft Paul Allen has recently released a memoir claiming that Bill Gates was "unimpressed" with his rival Google and the Allen repeatedly asked how they would be able to catch up to the company in their research. Allen also claims that thier strategy was to examine and copy their rival and claim the ideas as their own. Personally I think that these computer moguls fight like middle school girls. All of it is hearsay and they are constantly talking about one another and stabbing eachother in the back. I almost feel bad for saying this but I'm so tired of hearing about it that I don't know if I care anymore because honestly how do you know who to believe? What makes one perons word more credible than the others? nothing. All I care about is which product works most efficiently for my lifestyle and personally I'm going to leave it at that.