Friday, May 6, 2011

Video Art Piece

Unfortunately I still can't get the video to load onto my computer but my video art piece featured three people that were dressed and posed as mannequins in the middle of Nordstrom. Because filming in the mall is not allowed (news to me) completing this project was extremely difficult. We began in the mac store where I positioned each person with one of the mac products. The position hinted to that persons dependency on the technology, however we were unable to capture this on film before being kicked out of the store. This getting kicked out trend continued in Bose, Forever 21, Wet Seal and Guess until we were finally able to set up a successful demonstration in Nordstrom. We quickly dressed each person according to the theme of the mannequins in that department and had them pose while customers carried on throughout their day. Some people walked by without out noticing at all, but others reacting by laughing, being startled and attempting to interact with the live mannequins. This having been my first video art piece I have to say the reactions and interaction are the absolute best part and I definitely understand why performance artists do what they do.


  1. i thought it was really cool how you got people to stand there and stay still for so long. it sucks you got kicked out of the electronics store, but i think you did a good job

  2. It was hilarious the way in which some of the patrons reacted to the the live models. I thought the idea was very cool and it sucks they kicked you out!
