For my xerox project I knew I definitely wanted to use an object instead of a flat surface. I had a few different things I was thinking of trying but I went to the thrift store with an open mind. I came across this stereo and I loved the idea of being to put things in the tape deck and the cd player, it made the piece more interactive. I went to Kinko's and literally copied every body part I could think of (that was legal) and went home with a stack of copies with no idea of how I was going to execute this project. As I began cutting and placing different things around the object the idea of giving the stereo a face and other body parts came to me. I think thats one of the reasons why I liked this project so much, I didn't have a plan it just came as I worked. The final product turned out to be the stereo monster, who my roomates and I have name Sheila the sound Sheeba, that I thought took on quite an interesting and quirky form. I love that some of the body parts have become abstract because of the repetition and others, such as the eyes and mouth, are used for their proper function. But with a closer look you can see that everything used is a in fact a body part.
i appreciate this one more since i record music and you covered a radio. it was really cool. well done